Monday, August 25, 2014


OK, here's the deal.  I'm using this post to announce my candidacy to be President of the U.S., and I need your vote.  Here are my credentials:

1) Former Political Science Professor
2) Have been both a Republican and a Democrat
3) I have no money
4) I have no attachments with the Washington crowd, don't even  know anyone there
5) I do not plan to campaign (other than write a few blogs that nobody reads)
6) I'm 73 years old and slightly feeble minded (the last part qualifies me for politics)
7) I don't owe any favors to anyone
8) I promise not to shake hands, flash a phony smile, or kiss babies
9) I will not criticize my opponents
10) I will not enter into any debates

And, my goal is to get just one write in vote.  I just want the one vote so that I can say that somebody actually voted for me.

Remember the name - D. Paz Dalton.  You might as well vote for me.  I'll end up doing as much for you as any of the other yahoos in the race.  Oops!  Is that a criticism?

And, oh yeah, I'm trying to talk my brother-in-law into being my running mate.  He's a tea party guy, but he's still got most of his teeth and can use three syllable words.  So far, he hasn't fully committed.
But I still need your vote.

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