Friday, October 17, 2014


He talks a good line about environmental quality, but when it gets right down to it, Obama is a dud.  In other words, listening to him talk about environment is just more political bullshit, sort of like listening to Republicans talk about family values and all that.  Obama once said that fracking for oil could be a bridge to a cleaner environment, when in fact, it's been disastrous.  It's hard to believe the man in the White House is that blind, or just indifferent . . . but anyone who drives through a fracking oil patch sees the burn-off spouts billowing flames and smoke into the air.  That's gas, partner, and it's going to waste . . . and it's polluting the air.  And Obama likes that?

There is nothing good about fracking other than it provides more fossil fuel, and that's something we are greedy for.  The costs of having that are enormous.  My son-in-law works for an oil company, is currently in the oil patches in eastern New Mexico.  He doesn't work with a fracking unit, says he won't do that.  My daughter went to visit him a while back, came home talking about what a shithole the place was.  She talked about the gas spouts, about how they burned off the gas, about how the entire area smells rotten, how it looked awful.  I know that area fairly well, have watched it go into the crapper over the years.  Now the oil companies are in North Dakota and are doing the same thing there.

I'm told that fracking is the worst job in the oil business, and that it takes a special breed of worker to do it.  It's hard work, demanding work, and it attracts the dregs of society to do it.  Wherever fracking outfits go, so goes the bottom feeders, the lowlives, the desperate worker who needs the money.  And with them come the other lowlives, those who feed off them . . . the vendors of booze and drugs and prostitution.  And what they leave behind when they're done raping Mother Earth is ugly . . . and Obama likes that?  Is he just too misinformed to know what's going on?  Is he just playing politics as usual?  Or . . . is he part of the problem and needs to go?  Oh, I forgot, he is going before long, and in my mind, that's not all bad.

I'm a Democrat, by the way, who voted twice for Obama.  My votes didn't come out of total ignorance of what to expect from him.  It was one of those grit your teeth and do it things because I couldn't tolerate the idea of voting for the men running against him.  His stance on any number of things don't sit well with me, but it could have been worse had the other guys won.  And the election of 2016 is not far off, and I'll probably vote for another Democrat . . . if he comes out with a believable statement about fracking indicating a desire to stop it.  And if no one does?  For the first time in my voting history, I'll sit home that day.

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