Fact number 1 - wisdom is not inherent and does not automatically come with aging.
Fact number 2 - uneducated and stupid people are uninformed. If you're ignorant as a young person, you will be ignorant as a senior citizen. Education isn't automatic either.
Fact number 3 - the U.S. is full of ignorant old people. Want proof? Take a gander at how they vote.
With these three simple facts in mind, consider what is happening to health care in America. The reforms made by Obama will be turned back, giving the health care business back to corporate American, meaning Wall Street hospitals and clinics, and drug companies with full reign. And who pays the biggest price for this? That would be the old farts that mostly vote for idiot Republicans, and morons like Trump. If anyone deserves a lousy health care system, they do. But along with them comes suffering for people who had the good sense to support reforms in health care. Not all old farts suffer from brain farts.
I'm old, and I like my peer group even less than millennials. I'm not a baby boomer because they came slightly after my generation, but I am old. I'm not an idiot, and I'm not uninformed. Some sociologists are saying that the baby boomer generation was the worst ever because they're our first spoiled rotten group. Even the X-generation did better . . . but now we've got all these spoiled rotten old farts running around out there. They screwed things up for the generations that must come after them, and they're still screwing things up. This country could, and will, profit from a die off . . . but would that help now? I don't think so. I can't see anything good coming from the generations that now hold power in this country, and I most certainly don't see anything good coming from the millennials.
I've had thoughts of devising an exercise program for old farts, and it involves just one exercise. We should all practice putting our heads between our knees because the time is coming when we'll need to kiss our asses goodbye . . . and without anyone to blame other than ourselves. You might as well get out there and have fun, grandma and grandpa, because your comeuppance is on the way.
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