Friday, November 22, 2013


The only time I ever worry about money is when I don't have enough of it, and I've always go enough . . . if I don't lose my head.  Like everyone else on this planet, I sometimes see things I can't live without and buy it.  What I hate most is having to spend money on things I can't enjoy, but the good thing is that doesn't happen very often.  Even paying utility bills, which is never pleasant, affords me some happiness because it means I can play with this computer, watch television, and do other things that make life more fun.  Today, I'm heading off to the veterinarian with a kitten that's got big problems. 

This kitten is a show-up at my shop across town, maybe two months old, dark tabby with no tail.  I've been feeding it, along with six other kittens that show up from time to time with their mothers.  This one, though, is apparently an orphan . . . and it's in bad shape.  Its back legs are slightly deformed, enough to cripple it to some extent, and it can't control its bowel movements.  This morning I went to the shop, found it wet and cold and hungry and with poop all over it's little butt . . . and so I cleaned it up and fed it.  I just love starting the day having a kitten poop in my hand, but I know there was a time when somebody had to clean my little butt.

I know a little about tailless kittens, that they sometimes have problems deficating due to nerve damage.  After taking care of feeding chores at the shop, I came home and called my vet friend and made an appointment to take the kitten in this afternoon.  It's cold and raining today, just right to catch up on some inside work . . . but I'm doing kitty duties instead.  I write this blog with a half grown cat in my lap, one born at my shop, got sick and had to come live here for a while . . . and it stayed.  Most of my cats got here that way.  I've got one with three legs, another is deformed some from being attacked by dogs, and others are here because they had to be fixed up by a vet.  You get to be good friends with a vet if you have as many cats as I do.

Sometimes it isn't about the money.  Life is a lot more tolerable when you're content, at peace with yourself, and I can't be that way if I turn my back on a needy animal.  I don't help them so much out of obligation to them; it's more an obligation to myself.  This kitten came asking for my help.  It can't talk, but I know the language of cats fairly well.  Maybe I can't help it, but I've got to try.  Maybe all I can do for it is give it a way out of a life that would be intolerable for it.  An old Don Williams' song comes to mind, and it applies to this rainy Friday. Lord, I hope this day is good.

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