If you are another of those I'm going to stick it out at all costs people this post is not for you. Like the old hippies used to say, "I know where you're coming from, man." Some people grow roots instead of wings, and some like me never grew either. I'm not rooted, but my wings have been clipped. I'm grounded by old age, obligations, and situations, and that's a familiar story in this country. I'm an American, but I'm not all that proud of it. Love of country is one thing, but at some point in time you realize that life can be much bigger than that. I'm not ashamed of my ancestry, nationality, home state, community, and anything like that. I've had some grand opportunities here in America, but that was then, and now is now, and living here is just not working for me anymore. I'm not one of your average American highly propagandized devotee to our way of life. This ain't my first rodeo, and I've acquired a good education about what goes on in this country. I see the good along with the bad, but that's like watching a football game. You know the feeling, I'm sure, of when your team gains more yardage, has more first downs, looks like a winner all through the game . . . and then fumbles it away in the last quarter and loses. Let's blame it on the refs for making bad calls. Let's blame it on a single player who fumbled or dropped the winning touchdown pass. Let's blame it on just bad luck, but if we had played the game like we should have, the score wouldn't have been close enough for that one fumble or dropped pass to beat us. We live under a government that fumbles a lot and within a society stupid enough to think that's just the breaks of the game. A loss is still a loss, and we've turned into a bunch of losers willing to accept those losses.
Ok, so we now have a low class turdball of a President soon to be in office, and he's making some unbelievably bad decisions already. He's not there by chance either. We didn't have enough reasonable voters in place, and that's what put us in this position. We didn't have a strong enough opposition to his bullshit approach to campaigning to beat him. That's the only fair part about his election. He won by hook and crook, deception and lies, and he found enough people willing to believe him to win. Good for the turdball, he at least got that part right. A big time fumble by the other side cost them the win, and it should have. This makes you wonder just which side is really the dumbest, and that's something voters had to decide. A good democracy offers much better choices, and we're not that kind of democracy. I could present a good argument that we're not a democracy at all. But still, almost all Americans will hunker down and wait it out, somehow believing that the democratic processes (that don't exist) will turn things around in time. Dream on. It won't happen.
I'm one of those trapped people who'll have to sit here and watch a country continue to decline, and it's going to be an ugly affair. I'd rather not witness it at all, and since I'm old, perhaps I'll catch a break and get out of it much easier than younger people will. I keep working each day, writing books that take me away from reality for a while, and wondering what comes next. What if I live another ten years? Yuk! I'd rather be living elsewhere if that's going to happen, and I keep a tiny dream alive that I might be able to do that. I won't go far, just to Mexico where I can live on far less money than here. I've written half dozen books on Mexico, and my research has taught me a lot. First, forget almost everything you know from press reports up here because it's bullshit. I challenge you to do your own research, if you've still got wings. If not, don't torment yourself. I could show you the way to a good existence down there, but we all need to draw our own lines on a map, make our own decisions. If you've already bought into the American propaganda bullshit, you're fine with where you are. You wouldn't fit in anywhere else anyway, so stay put and wait it out. You'll wait forever, but that's what you bought, so wear it. If you've still got a clear mind and wings that work, then fly and see what you can find elsewhere. It's up to you.
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