Sunday, December 18, 2016


THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE DOES NOT WORK!  It has never been a democratic way of electing the President and Vice-President, but that's not a mistake.  Our forefathers designed it that way because they didn't trust the democratic process.  A history lesson in voting rights in this country should teach us at least that much.  I blame most of this on the federal system where states are allowed to control voting, which is idiotic when it comes to national elections.  But the way it's set up, this fart brained system of election, is the current law and should be respected until it is legally changed.  Trump should win the electoral college because he won the most states, and that's the simple fact of the matter.  And the vote in the electoral college won't be close due to the current rules. Forget all the bullshit about who won the overall popular vote because it doesn't count.  Forget all the Trump sculduggery as to how he won those states because that doesn't count either.  We let it happen, and now we have to live with it . . . and no one deserves it more than we do.

People who voted for Trump, the dumbfucks who bought the lies and skulduggery, are first in line when it comes to the Great Idiot Award . . . but just barely.  Were I giving the award, the Democrats would get it.  How can anyone screw up an election campaign any worse than they did?  Clinton should never have been the candidate, and her campaign cost them a victory in the way they went about ousting Bernie Sanders.  The Clinton campaign staff was rife with sleazy political operatives, nitwits, and lowlifes.  Want to talk about how badly Trump has damaged the Republicans?  He has, but there's no way he's done a number on them like the Clintons and their band of bullies have done to the Democrats.  Want to talk of party purges?  Start with the Democrats because they're truly become Dumocrats.  The Trump campaign was smart enough to seize the opportunity the Democrats provided them, so kudos to them for that.

But here's the bad news.  With Trump's win, this nation is now in the crapper.  Low class has risen to the top like rancid cream, and your new government will be staffed by corporate pirates, right wing extremists, racists, xenophobes, and the dregs of our political society.  And it won't work, and we'll all pay the price for that.  Complaints against Trump won't go away.  Investigations will cripple his presidency like none we've ever seen, the economy will suffer, unemployment will rise, and there'll be the onset of a season of real political hostility.  And since there are no good guys in this fight, there's little chance of a win for anyone.

Perhaps you've owned one, a car that just will not work right, always leaves you stranded and afoot. And you keep pouring money into repairs, but the car just keeps breaking down.  At some point in time you come to the realization that it's worn out and must be replaced.  You go shopping for a new vehicle to get you where you need and want to go, but finding something you can afford is almost impossible.  That's where we are with government and politics in the U.S.  It is broken beyond repair, and it's time for a new one, and we don't even know how to go shopping for it.  Too many obstacles are in the way, and so we keep pouring money into the old vehicle, hoping and praying it will get us around for a while longer.  What this all means is simple:  We're fucked.  And we did it to ourselves.

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