Sunday, December 4, 2016


Smart people, meaning the intellectuals of this world, are thought to be arrogant and snobbish by those of less intelligence.  This is a myth because the shoe is on the other foot.  I've never run across arrogance like you find with people of little education.  They seem to believe they were born with access to a smarts bank and they could write checks on it.  They believe they know enough about most things when in fact they know little about almost everything.  And they think this manifest of ignorance is all they need to claim an even footing with everyone else in society.  It seems to me that the real conservative base in this country comes from exactly this group of people, and they're no longer a minority.  Conservatism is in itself a learning disability, regardless of your educational status, but it's a good hotel for ignorance as well.  If you can't figure much of anything out on your own, especially the intricacies of government and society, you go the easy route.  You take a very narrow view of it all, and then go with that.  Couple with that the conservative's tendency to be religious, and the problem is compounded.  If there's any group out there that loves ignorance, it's fundamentalist religious groups.

All you need to do to see how easily this works is analyze a few things.  Selling Christianity to a smart person isn't easy, or at least it's a more difficult sale.  Selling conservatism to an intelligent person is likewise difficult because they see through the ruse, the total bullshit of conservative ideology.  To call something "conservative ideology" is an oxymoron because conservatism isn't based on ideas, just reactions to ideas.  Just look up the definition of the word, and that alone tells you something.  To conserve means to hold back, to save, and that also includes saving thoughts, the ideas that can generate good government and a better society.  Attach to that the impropriety of religion, and you've got a dumbed down citizen.  Are these vicious people we should worry about?  Not usually, and perhaps just the reverse is true.  Dumb dogs are lovable, and so are dumb people.  One could present a decent argument that people gravitate to what they know best - dumbness.  When I think of all the frustrating things around me, the arrogance of dumbness comes to the surface.  I suppose that's because it's so hard to ignore.

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