Thursday, December 19, 2013


Phil Robertson, a star on the redneck television show Duck Dynasty, shot his mouth off in an interview about gays (likened them to terrorists and drunks), and got dumped from his own show for it.  The network that carries the reality series said he was suspended indefinitely.  Phil also said that gays could never make it to Heaven.  Here's what bugs me about it:  Just what the hell did you expect from him?  He is what he is, and that's been making the network tons of money . . . and now he's suddenly a liability.  Ask almost any man from Louisiana what he thinks of gays, and you'll get the same line of crap from him.  I don't like what Phil said, don't agree with him, but I'm thinking the network might've just screwed up big time in taking him off the show.

Duck Dynasty isn't worth watching to start with.  No redneck show is worth a tinker's dam, unless you're a redneck, and there's lots of those folks running around out there.  Do you think all those folks who tune in to Duck Dynasty are going to be mad at Phil for what he said?  I figure his standing with them just jumped up a bunch.  Stupid is as stupid does, so goes the old saying, and at first glance it would appear that Phil Robertson ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer.  Well, maybe, but he just became a true hero to lots of bible toting, borderline stupid rednecks.  Could it be that ole Phil knew that before he shot his mouth off?

So, what comes next?  Will Duck Dynasty go down the tubes without Phil?  Will he disappoint all his fans by mealy/mouthing around and making some lame apology about what he said?  Damn, I hope not.  I don't agree with him, but he's got a right to shoot his mouth off.  My guess is the world's not full of gays who watch the show to start with, so I'm having trouble seeing any real damage to the fan base there.  And for A&E to suddenly get indignant about it (like they didn't know how Phil felt about gays), is outright lame.  If there's a real act of stupidity here, it's on their part.  So, hang in there Phil!  It's gonna be a rough ride 'cause the world is full of two-faced promoters.  Hire yourself a ghost writer and get a book out there.  I've even got a title for you.  How about, I'm Not Light in the Loafers 'Cause I Don't Wear 'Em. 

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