Friday, December 13, 2013


I'm a little superstitious about numbers.  Seven is lucky, thirteen is unlucky, and nine is not to be trusted.  I won't carry 13 dollars in my wallet, don't allow the gas pump to stop on 13 either.  And here it is, Friday 13th, and it's going to last until midnight tonight.  I woke up with a toothache.  The household animals are on a tear.  The wife got up grumpy (that's really nothing new), and I've got some unpleasant chores facing me today.  It's clean-up day, time to get the house looking and smelling better.  Got chores to do at the shop.  And its Friday the 13th.  Did I say that already?

My wife will buy lottery tickets today because she always does that on Friday 13th.  That's the only day of the year she buys them.  I'll do normal things because I know that this day is really no different from any other day.  Numbers mean nothing, other than that the fall in place where they belong.  You can count on that.  Two comes after one, three after two, four after three, and so forth.  And you can't skip a number and make things come out right.  I've been in buildings that had no 13th floor.  There was a 12th floor, and then you went to the 14th floor, and if you do that, all you've done is rename thirteen.  It's still the 13th floor, and that makes what you've named fourteen unlucky.  Right?

Quit screwing around with 13.  It is what it is, and you can't change that.  Would I skip today if allowed to do so?  No.  I don't want to miss any day, not at my age.  And deep down I know that today is no different from the others, except it is Friday, and that's always been my favorite day of the week.  I refuse to let the number 13 ruin that for me.  But I won't be walking under any ladders today.

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