This is a blog for all the morons out there who are fighting any change in our current health care system in America. Sometimes you get exactly what you deserve. I can remember a time when people fought seat belt laws, or laws that required motorcycle helmets, or any number of moves the government made to make us all safer. And thousands upon thousands of people have been killed because their seat belts weren't employed. God only knows how many people have been killed for not wearing headgear for cycles. If you lose your life for stupid reasons, you at the very least contributed to your own demise. No one deserves to die, not even for being stupid, but it happens.
The United States' health care system ranks low among nations who have the money to afford good care, and most of those nations that outrank us have socialized medicine. I'm not talking about some diddly/squat, watered down measure like the Obamacare legislation. I'm talking real, one payer system, socialized medicine. France, for instance, makes us look bad in when it comes to health care. We're even well behind countries much smaller than we are. The reason for our low standing is simple - our system doesn't cover enough people. Most Americans are on their own when it comes to health care, and if they're not covered by some company group policy, a recent survey showed that the average American family paying its own way shucked out about $1,400 a month for health insurance. Some people are forced to stay in jobs they don't like because group coverage is the only way they can go, and some 40 percent of Americans have no health insurance at all.
OK, here are the big questions: Do you like that? Do you want to continue a system that allows insurance companies to treat you about any way they want to? Can you afford it? Are you totally nuts? And I can feel this way about you because I'm covered. Yeah, I'm an old fart with medicare and supplementary insurance, and if you think paying the big premiums and trusting private insurance is better, then I could care less what happens to you. I paid into my federal medicare system for a lot of years, so what I get isn't exactly a freebie. I was forced to do it, wasn't given a choice about that big deduction every month from my paycheck . . . and that worked to my benefit in the long run. But what about all the folks who aren't old enough to take advantage of that? Why are you fighting change? Obamacare is a tiny step in the right direction, but you have to start somewhere. My advice to you is simple. WISE UP!!
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