Wednesday, December 4, 2013


If you want to really piss off your wife, point the remote control clicker at her when she's talking.  It's a joke, right?  Well, yeah . . . sort of.  There's even a move out there about that, a man with a magic clicker.  I'm more fascinated with the potential uses of a delete button.  The most used key on my computer board is the delete button, and that's because I make a lot of mistakes.  Wouldn't it be great if we all came with a delete button? 

On second thought, no.  Life for me would sure be short if I had one.  And it might not be that I'd use it all that much because if my wife ever found out where my delete button was, she'd wear it out.  It's a good thing women don't have a clicker to control the men in her life.  If men had a clicker for women, it would have only three buttons - food, sex, shut up.  If a woman had a clicker for a man, it would have multiple keys, probably too many to get on a hand held device.  I won't even go there.

How often have you said something that should've been deleted?  Did you ever count your little screw-ups in a day?  I had one of those days yesterday where nothing went right.  About the only thing I did right was go to bed early, which is why I'm up before daylight writing blogs.  If I had a delete button, my day yesterday would've been short, like maybe an hour.  All the rest went to the trash.  That reminds me of another disadvantage of a delete button.  What if I delete something and then want it back later when I discover that I really needed it after all?  You know, maybe I really do have a delete button.  Maybe that's why I can never remember where my car keys are, or my checkbook, or my glasses, or that cup of coffee I just poured.  Damn!  I better start looking for it. 

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