Saturday, December 14, 2013


I don't remember what it was called, but I used to belong to a pen pal site that allowed me to exchange letters with people from other countries.  That amused me for a while, even taught me a little about foreign languages.  The site had a language translator so I could send emails they could at least break down and understand . . . and the pen pal did the same with me.  I visited with a guy in Portugal, one from Chile, and another from Argentina . . . but that was some time ago.  Moli came along, and I got a site there and started blogging.  That turned up big for me because I got lots of reads, and I was amazed to see that most of them came from other countries.  Too bad, but Moli went down the tubes, and that put an end to my blogging for a while. 

So now I have this blog site on Blogger, and it tells me where views come from.   Yesterday I posted a couple of blogs and the site got 85 views, and most of them were from Malaysa.  A few came from Germany.  D. Paz Dalton pops up a lot if you google the name, so I understand how foreigners can find me.  No one comments on the blog views I get from international viewers, and that tells me they don't actually read them.  They view the site, but my stats gizmo shows few actual reads.  Makes me wonder if maybe I'm just wasting my time.  I usually get bored with blogging, take long layoffs from time to time.  Once I get back to working on books, this will slow down a lot.  And that's why I do it.  If I don't write, I get stale, and a stale writer produces stale books . . . or blogs, sort of like this one.

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