Liberals, or progressives, think what's going on in America now is just another national swoon; you know, like a national brain fart where the stench won't last long. They're wrong. Winds of change will not blow this smelly situation away, and the national mood that brought it on won't change in the near future. I could cite all sorts of reasons why that's the case, but here's just one for you - the despicable press we have in this country. America isn't just a dumbed down society because educational institutions have failed us; it's because people have been fed a steady line of propaganda most of their lives. They bought it. The press gave us Trump because they made him, and they consistently did a hatchet job on Clinton. Not only do you now have Trump and the prospects of the worst presidency in American history, you've also got the press and the propaganda.
The dumbing down of America has now started to peak. The middle class is struggling to survive while the lower classes grow. You now live in a nation where over half the population comes from lower classes, and this means lower intellect, lower aspirations, and a much lowered concept of what's good for a country. Liberals, like the nut case conservatives, are not immune to this, and that means we don't have as many forward thinking left wingers as in previous decades. This country is not going to be a good place to live for quite a few years to come, or perhaps until the entire system collapses. It's bail out time, folks, time to look for another place to live. Well, that is unless you're a bottom feeder or at the top of the food chain.
What happens here in the U.S. creates situations elsewhere. A prominent economists just predicted a wholesale downturn in the economy here, and he predicts it will send shockwaves around the world that could cause a worldwide depression. We always seem to hang on words like "could." And most people are convinced that won't happen, that it's just more talk from the intellectuals . . . and intellectuals, you know, are shunned in this society. Put plainly, if you need it that way, we're screwed. The dumb-asses have taken over, are now at the wheel, and that's like letting a chimp drive a super car. There's no way this turns out well.
Do what you want or what you must, but I'm bailing. Yeah, and at the age of 75 with not much time left. I'll leave with a dream to at least die a free man - free of burdensome economic situations here, free of control by a government run by right wingers, free of a society I can no longer tolerate, and out of the slavery this country forces upon you. That's what it's all about with me. I know I can't die free of everything, but I can sure die free of this country.
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