What just happened in the recent election wasn't just a surprise; it was a right wing coup. This has far reaching tentacles, and we may be in for a long siege in getting back to sanity . . . if that ever happens at all. We've been drifting to the right for years, and now they've taken control of government. Hilary didn't lose because she's rich enough to go anywhere to avoid what's coming here. The rest of us poor schmucks are the real losers, even those who temporarily think they've won. Liberals seem to always be hopeful, but hope doesn't get anything done. "We can turn this around if we work hard enough," I keep hearing, but that's not going to happen anytime soon. Big questions loom. Will we survive this right wing takeover? No one can answer the question, but we can't survive it and have much to look forward to, and for a long time. Is this the end of America as we know it? Most certainly, it is, and there's no use sitting around and hoping the good old days will return. They weren't so good to start with, but now we face the chopping block when it comes to reason, worthwhile values, that sort of thing.
But the election has revealed some things to people like me who'll work hard at leaving this country. We have a problem here with conservative Christianity - you know, they phony Christians. We have a problem with bad news coverage, those people who control the minds of Americans. We have a problem with loss of middle class and a society rife with low class people. Over half our population is now poorly educated, ignorant, even stupid, and they vote. This will only get worse. Living here wasn't especially good before now, but it will get increasingly worse for anyone with a functioning mind that can reason. Most Americans who'd like to leave feel trapped here, imprisoned or surrounded by forces they don't like. I'm one of those people, and I'm old, but I haven't given up on leaving. I'll work toward that goal, a move to Mexico. Life there will be difficult too, but I'd rather take my chances there than here.
My message here is that you can't assume that you're trapped. As long as you have options, you have choices. It's not easy, but it can be done. Do your research, study, and set your mind on a goal. This is what I've done, even at my age. No one should die a slave, like a prisoner. Think hard about it. Stay vigilant.
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