Sunday, actually the first day of the week but treated as the final day. We should rename it Sumday, a day for summing up, reflection.
Monday, seen by most as the first day of the week, and the worst. We'll rename it Mumday, a day to keep quiet and adjust to a new work week.
Tuesday, a somewhat nondescript day, but we'll call it Tubeday, the day we take it in the ass, which keeps us from recovering from Mumday.
Wednesday, called "hump day" by many, should be renamed Whensday, a day of healing from taking it in the ass on Tubeday.
Thursday, the day before Friday and often the worst day, should be named Turdday, for obvious reasons.
Friday, the look forward to day when we're preparing for the weekend, should be called Fryday, a day when you eat anything fried. It's burgers and fries day.
Saturday, big weekend day of relaxation or recreation, should be called sasserday, talk back time.
My favorite day is Friday, but that's because I'm retired and don't have to worry about a steady job anymore. No, I've still got a steady job, but it's now my job, not their job. That makes some difference, but Friday is still a good day. But why should Monday be a bad day now? I don't have to worry about getting to a job site, so what's up with that? I just don't like Mondays. My next favorite day is Wednesday, and it's no longer hump day for me. It's still the middle of the week, a day to feel good about Monday and Tuesday being gone. And, with Friday just two days away, it's time to plan for the weekend. I'd like to add another day or two to the week, but that would screw up the calendar. I don't keep up with months or years. They come and go, so why bother. It's all about the moment, right?
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