So, where did you think the dumbing down of America was going to lead, just another long line at the check-outs at Wal-Mart? Did you expect more mud races, tractor pulls, rodeos, and goat cook-offs? No, you expected education to get cheaper so your dumbed down kid could get a watered down college degree, or maybe somebody would offer you a job you could do at home. Maybe you expected morons to show up at the voting precincts and cast reasonably intelligent ballots, but that didn't happen either. And for you mind-still-working crowd, you didn't think this would happen so fast, did you? Well, it did, and the ugly clowns are taking office soon. And already, the low class display of ignorance is on display as Trump picks advisors and other officers. All the ass-kissers are lined up waiting their turn to become court jesters, and the despicable press corp still refuses to cover what's real news. In case you've missed it, your country is being taken over by right wing extremists, and that means (be sure you get this part) - you're screwed.
That's the bad news, so here's the really bad news. You've been played for suckers in the worst sort of way, if you're a Trump supporter or a loyal Republican. You're now the chumps of all the world, and you've inflicted your ignorance on an entire nation. You didn't think, you just reacted. The Democrats didn't field a good candidate, but in your muddled mind you calculated bad against awful and did what? Holy shit, you chose awful. Look, we all know that having to choose between Democrats and Republicans give us two choices - either vote for a dipshit (democrat) or a dumbass (republican). I've got news for you all you good old boys and gals: Dipshit is better than dumbass, but you voted dumbass because that's what you are. You are now well represented in Congress and the Executive Office, and before long the Supreme Court. And that won't mean anything good for you. Jobs you think you should have will disappear faster now than the leave America trend that started some time ago. Your dollar will shrink in size and you entitlements are now in jeopardy. Over half the families in America draws some form of entitlement from the government, and lots of those people voted for Trump. That being the case, you just might be the bird that shit in its own nest. Trump isn't going to give you a better job because (guess what?) you're not qualified. Foreign labor is cheaper, and they work harder, and the products they make turns out to be pretty good . . . and that means, you're screwed. More and more companies are bailing out here, headed for Mexico or some place they can get goods made or produced by people who really want to work.
Education will take a big hit from these ugly clowns, so don't look for any progress there. Law enforcement will continue to get worse, just at a more rapid race. The drugs coming across the border won't stop coming, but the illegal workers might . . . and that means crap city for the construction industry here, and for agricultural labor as well. If the wall Trump promised really goes up, conditions with Mexico will deteriorate, more bad news for us. In short, there's little to no good news on the horizon, and it's all your fault, you nitwit voters. Let me say it again: You chose awful over bad, and that's stupid. And the sad part? You won't ever figure it out.
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